Many people do not give proper emphasis to their regular clothing. Should one pay special attention to this subject at all?
They say clothes maketh the man, this could be equally true for women as well. However in general, women seems to be more apt towards what they wear compared to men. So the question is, is it worth the trouble?
Well, in many instances the answer will be, that it depends.
There are those who believe it has an impact both in their personal and professional life. However, people do form opinions about others on regular basis based on what they see. If one considers his or her daily encounters, it is clear that we meet or comes across variety of new people. Thus it makes sense for one to focus on dress code.
Males should focus on their wardrobe more carefully. For example one should not purchase garment items on adhoc basis, because they come across a sale etc. You should personally configure your wardrobe. One should not allow a spouse or a friend to "purchase" their garment items. Some feel that they do not have the knack or the taste required. This is simply not true. With conscious effort anyone can develop this "taste". So my advice is work on it.
It's always good to get independent advice. Sometimes we could falter with particular sizes etc of the garment. For example a big made person who wears a size 17 would find customizing shirt with 16 1/2 body and 16 3/4 collar size would give him a completely different appearance. (Someone who is slightly fatter, would find himself marginally slimmer)For most people customizing shirts could be essential. Lets accept the fact. It's just a handful who can boast of a an ideal physique. Most of us are part of the norm rather than the exception. SO it makes perfect sense to customize both shirts and trousers.
Most men do not give due emphasis to foot ware. Remember, it is not something one can take for granted. You may think that they are not noticeable. But most people do notice them and they do make form opinions about you with your foot ware more often than not. One needs to plan this out with formal and casual foot ware which COMPLIMENTS their garment items.
Its all too strange sometimes you find enough and more people wearing some contrasting colour combinations to work and other social situations. Black pants and creamy brown shoes is definite no no (Last week I saw one person wearing this combination). Colour mismatching in belts and foot ware is all too common still. (Black shoes and brown belts or vice versa).
Those who are innovative and like bright colours always need to be mindful when wearing the maroons, the bright yellows of this world. Unlike the conventional sober colours such as white, grey, blue etc they do not match every skin colour.