Monday, November 12, 2012

Self Development - Do something unusual

Recently I attended a sales training program in Singapore. It was striking to note that there were many ladies (and few gents) pin their very much mature years attending the program. 

Some of them were making career changes while others were completely out of the box, meaning they were housewives. There were quite a few who have just started their careers as real estate agents. 

Leaving their demographics aside, key thing that struck me was their hunger to learn. Many of them diligently took down notes and took serious trouble to understand complicated and interesting topics such as buyer psychology and rapport building. Given the kind of questions they were asking it was obvious that they mean serious business! 

Hats off to these ladies for taking a path which is not typical. In fact I volunteered to help these ladies to set up things such as blogs, twitter and FB accounts. Yes, they are very keen on being engaged in Social Media. 

I certainly expanded my horizons on the subject and our coach was a fantastic person! Leroy you were great! 

There is a powerful lesson in all this. In life unless you explore certain new things you really don't know what the water feels like. 

To those who are taking the roads less travelled! I salute you! 

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